martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013


1. What is the comic relief? 
Comic relief is the inclusion of a humorous character, scene or witty dialogue in an otherwise serious work, often to relieve tension.

2.Why is it often used in horror films? 
To relive tension.

3.Do you remember laughing in horror films? Can you think of an example?
Yes, I do. One of the examples is "Sleepy Hollow".


My favorite scene of the film is in the end, when the investigator Ichabod Crane, the child and Katrina go to the mill to scape and the headless horseman follows them. They start to go up of the mill and shoot him and when they are in the roof, Ichabod burnt the mill and the three scape but as the horseman is already died, they don't kill him. He follows them to the forest and Ichabod and the horseman fight in the horses until they arribe to the tree of the dead. There is Lady Van Tassel, the person who commants the horseman, and she has the head of him. Ichabod gets the head and gives to the horseman. He grabs Lady Van Tassel and takes her inside the tree, where are all the dead. 


1. Who's the director of this movie Psycho? 
Alfred Hitchock.

2. What type of characters did he often use in horror films?
Stories of serial killers.
Characters between sanity and insanity.

3.What technique did he use with the camera?
Perhaps Hitchcock’s most important contribution to horror films was his frequent use of the subjective camera to reveal a character’s vision, as in Psycho when Norman Bates peeps through a hole at Marion, or when “Mother” slashes Marion in the shower.


The film I want to explain is The Strangers ("Los extraños" in spanish).
In the beginning, the protagonists arrive from a wedding and they go to a rural house in the forest.
Then, they hear someone knock at the door and it's a girl who ask's for Tamara but they both say that doesn't live there Tamara.
Then, in the house, they see shadous and they hear noises.
The boy goes to the town to ask for help. While, the girl, is alone in the house and she sees blood on the windows. When the boy arrives home, she explains to him that in the house they aren't alone.
Next, both of them see people outside the house with masks and they want to kill them.
The couple tries to escape but they can't and the killers catch them.
Finally, two children go to the house and they see a lot of blood and the couple are in a chair tied up and one of the children goes close to the woman and the opens her eyes.

I think that is one of the bests horror films because thought all the film you are scared and you are interested with what is going to happen.